Summer Of Code 2008 / guitone Status Update

I’ve just read on Slashdot that applications for this year’s edition of Google’s Summer Of Code start in early March. I’m thinking about pushing this a little more this year for the monotone project, since we kind of “missed” it last year (we sent in our application too late). And I’m positive to also place at least one possible project for guitone there. While it certainly makes a lot of fun to code with Qt, it would make even more fun if somebody could team up and help out here and there…

In the other news: monotone 0.39 has been released yesterday and I’m once again astonished how easy openSUSE’s build service makes it to create rpms for a great variety of distributions and architectures. I’m currently using it to build openSUSE rpms for monotone and guitone there and its really easy and fun to do that.

I’m also pretty actively hacking on guitone at the moment, fixing bugs and implementing new features there. There are still some things on my TODO list before 0.8 is ready to release, amongst fixing bugs, f.e.

  • make the filesystem watcher implementation usable and working properly, so guitone updates the workspace view in the background if changes happen to the underlying filesystem
  • implement some of the workspace commands with native calls (i.e. add, drop), rename / move will be slightly harder, also wrt to view updates, maybe I’ll implement simple filename renames at first

The following things already have been implemented and are definitely part of 0.8:

  • restricted commit (right-click on any file/folder and hit commit!)
  • diff possibility for patched files in the commit and changeset dialogs
  • a new panel to view, add, edit and drop database variables
  • improved, more user friendly startup dialog which now also contains possibilities to edit the preferences and load recent databases and / or workspaces
  • improved loading times for huge workspaces, f.e. loading the complete should run a couple of times faster now
  • and much more…

guitone 0.8 will also be the first version of guitone to be released under GNU GPLv3. Now that the Trolls released Qt 4.3.4 recently which allows licensing the library under the very same license, I’m positive that this change will not introduce too many headaches to distributors. Otherwise, drop me a note via private mail and we’ll work out a solution.

Based on my current workload and other activities (Chemnitzer LinuxTage, anyone?) I hope to get a stable version out mid march. No promises on this, though 😉

A Linux tale… [updated]

My wife and I seem to share a lot of activities recently. We finally gathered a few friends around here with which we do regularily stuff like playing card games and she even got me to take Salsa dancing lessons with her. Beside that my political interests and meetings are quite regular as well, so it was just natural to think about a event planning solution which would allow us to view, add and edit events. I decided we need a calendar server!

So I started looking around for calendar server solutions. I already had a rather hacky webdav-alike setup on my Virtual Private Server (VPS) which consisted of a single ICS file, secured by a simple HTTP authentication and made writable through a PHP script, but this doesn’t seem to be the right solution for me. I wanted something better, something stable, something nice – and I apparently found it: Apple released its Darwin Calendar Server, which is the base of their commercial calendar server solution on Mac OS X Server, as Open Source under the Apache Software License 2.0 some time ago. “This will replace the old hackish setup on my VServer!”, I thought…

I logged into the server and quickly downloaded the project’s sources from the public SVN repository. The README file stated that it should apparently be enough to start the `run` script in the base directory which would take care of everything, i.e. download and install all dependencies which would be needed for the software to run. This even worked flawlessly (with only one little modification). Up to that point I was very cheerful – until I actually tried to start the server:

IOError: [Errno 95] Operation not supported: \

Uh? Ah well, there was something in the README I overlooked:


For starters, twisted.web2.dav requires Bob Ippolito's xattr
library to access file system extended attributes, which are
used to store WebDAV properties.  File system extended 
attributes are available on all file systems in Mac OS X, and
on some file systems on Linux and FreeBSD.  Another 
alternative is to implement a new property store class which
does not use extended attributes. The Apache HTTP Server, for
example, uses a database to keep track of properties on files,
and this method works on many more platforms and file systems.

xattr? Hrm… I never heard of that before – but Google shed light into my darkness: As Wikipedia amongst others states, they are “[…] a file system feature that enables users to associate computer files with metadata not interpreted by the filesystem […]”, basically simple key-value pairs of arbitrary size and content. A quick grep over the config file of the currently running kernel showed me that at least support was already compiled into it:

$ cat /boot/config- | grep XATTR

Cool! I read somewhere that in this case one would just have to add the mount option `user_xattr` to /etc/fstab and remount the filesystem in question and everything would be fine… Well, it would be fine if my /etc/fstab would actually contain an entry for `/`! Being on a virtual server started to get a little annoying.

But I didn’t capitulated, not yet. “Wasn’t there a way to create and mount a filesystem from a disk image?” I wondered. I used this technique a couple of times to mount ISO images and browse their contents back in my old Linux days. I read a bit further on this topic and found many helpful ressources on this topic. At first I needed to create an image file and format that with a filesystem:

# 128 blocks of 1MByte size
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=caldavdata.image bs=1M count=128
128+0 records in
128+0 records out
134217728 bytes (134 MB) copied, 0.506394 seconds, 265 MB/s
$ mkfs.ext3 -v caldavdata.image
mke2fs 1.36 (05-Feb-2005)
caldavdata.image is not a block special device.
Proceed anyway? (y,n) y
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=1024 (log=0)
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
32768 inodes, 131072 blocks
6553 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=1
16 block groups
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
2048 inodes per group
Superblock backups stored on blocks: 
        8193, 24577, 40961, 57345, 73729

Writing inode tables: done                            
Creating journal (4096 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

This filesystem will be automatically checked every 28 mounts
or 180 days, whichever comes first.
Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.

“Great! Now I only need to mount that baby!” I thought:

$ mount caldavdata.image /opt/caldavdata -t ext3 -o loop
mount: could not find any device /dev/loop#

Indeed, there was not one single block device in /dev starting with `loop` – in fact the only two block devices I found there at all were related to the virtual server’s own file system. In my naive thinking I continued: “Hey, if this block device is not existent, I’m pretty much sure that I can create it with mknod!”. Indeed, mknod can create any kind of char or block devices. This site pointed me to the correct needed major and minor numbers for such a device:

$ mknod /dev/loop0 b 7 0 # 'b' stands for block device
$ ls -lah /dev/loop0 
brw-r--r--  1 root root 7, 0 Feb  1 21:25 /dev/loop0

“Success!” I thought and tried the mount command again:

$ mount caldavdata.image /opt/caldavdata -t ext3 -o loop
mount: Could not find any loop device. Maybe this kernel does
       not know about the loop device?
       (If so, recompile or `modprobe loop'.)

“Yeah, apparently it does not know about device” and ran the proposed `modprobe loop`:

$ modprobe loop
FATAL: Module loop not found.

Hrm… could it be that loop wasn’t compiled as module? Grepping the config told me yes:

$ cat /boot/config- | grep LOOP

So, the last thing I could think of (as an ignorant Linux user) was to reboot the server and hope that it would somehow recognize the loopback file.

Of course, this did not work out.

I’m now in the sad process to get used to Google Calendar

[Update: Actually the only bad things about Google Calendar until today are

a) I don’t have full control of the server-side storage / backup

b) I can’t publish events to Google via iCal – well, at least I could not until today.

Apparently Google offers an RSS-alike API to access calendar data and somebody wrote a small Java server which “translates” between this custom RSS format and the standard ical format. It allows file-based synchronization (i.e. particularily useful for iCal which can’t just embed and write CalDAV ressources) and even contains a small web server to do the translation live and in place – how neat is that?!

You can download GCalDaemon here.]

guitone 0.7 released

guitone 0.7, my Qt-based monotone GUI, has just been released today. Most of the changes over the past 9+ months since the latest major version are under the hood, so there are only a few “new” things you can actually see (most notably the
file history browser, a new icon set and numerous other improvements in existing dialogs).
The main reason for all the internal overhaul is however, that guitone should now run much smoother, faster and less crash/error prone than previous versions. It also includes better mtn error detection and fixed some of the outstanding platform bugs on Mac OS X and Windows.

A complete overview of all the changes can be found – as always – in the
NEWS file. Make sure you grab your copy here.

If you encounter any problems, have suggestions or anything else, drop
me a note or open a new task in the task tracker.

And here is finally the mandatory screenshot – click to see more screens:

guitone changeset browser

Podiumsdiskussion in Leipzig und Filmfestival in Halle

Am Samstag, den 23. Februar 2007, veranstaltet die Ortsgruppe Leipzig des AK Vorratsdatenspeicherung eine Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema

“Die Auswirkungen und Probleme der
Überwachung auf den Bürger”

Die Veranstaltung findet im Städtischen Kaufhaus in der Universitätsstraße in Leipzig statt und beginnt um 19 Uhr. Eingeladen werden jeweils drei Vertreter der Pro- und drei Vertreter der Contra-Seite.

Als Contra-Redner konnten bereits Johannes Lichdi von der Grünenfraktion des Sächsischen Landtags sowie ein Vetreter des Sächsischen Datenschutzbeauftragten, Herr Bernhard Bannasch, gewonnen werden.

Mehr Informationen zur Veranstaltung gibt es auf der Planungsseite im Wiki.

Übrigens: Am Wochenende findet in Halle in den Kinos La Bim (Freitag 21 Uhr) und LUX.PUSCHKINo (Samstag, 23 Uhr) die Vorführung des Filmes “A Scanner Darkly – Der dunkle Schirm” im Rahmen des Filmfestivals Aktion Mensch statt. Zu beiden Veranstaltungen werden Mitglieder der AK Ortsgruppe Leipzig vor Ort sein und bei Rückfragen zu aktuellen Ereignissen Stellung nehmen können. Am Infostand können interessierte Kinobesucher weiterhin Informationsmaterialien erhalten.

Schwarz-Weiß-Denken hat keine Zukunft

Viele von uns – und ich nehme mich da gar nicht aus – haben sich schon so sehr mit dem Begriff “Stasi 2.0” als Synonym für Schäubles Überwachungsmaßnahmen identifiziert, dass sie die Relation, in der die damaligen Überwachungsmaßnahmen zu den heutigen geplanten oder auch bereits eingeführten Maßnahmen stehen, nicht mehr hinterfragen.

Daniel Kulla, Schriftsteller und Verleger aus Berlin (ich habe nachgeschaut, dem Mann wurde trotz seines jungen Alters bereits ein eigener Wikipedia-Eintrag zuteil) – schreibt in Vorbereitung auf eine Rede, die er heute in der C-base in Berlin gehalten hat, folgendes:

Stasi 2.0 reloaded schlägt zurück und is watching you? Die aufrechten Hacker kämpfen als Speerspitze der freiheitsliebenden Deutschen gegen den Überwachungsstaat? “Diesmal stoppen wir sie vor dem Reichstagsbrand”? Vielleicht ist die Gesamtlage doch etwas komplizierter.

Das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit unterhielt 200 000 Zuträger, um die eigenen Staatsbürger davon abzuhalten, die Gesellschaftsordnung der DDR in eine der BRD ähnliche zu verwandeln. Abhörtechnik, willkürliche Verhaftungen und auch die Verwendung von Geruchsproben gehörten zur Routine. Der Innenminister, sein Ministerium und die anderen Sicherheitsfachleute der Gegenwart wollen hingegen die gegenseitige Überwachung der Marktsubjekte um einzelne, wenig zielführende Maßnahmen


Wer sich in Deutschland für das Recht auf Privatsphäre, für Persönlichkeitsrechte allgemein einsetzt, vertritt eine Minderheitenposition und kann sich auf keine Civil Liberties Union stützen, nicht auf libertäre Fraktionen in den Regierungsparteien oder auf eine starke Bürgerbewegung, die wie in Irland Biometrie in den Ausweisen verhindern könnte.


Stasi 2.0? Nein, ganz einfach Volk 1.0, Standardausgabe. Wer in der Zeitung über seine Nachbarn lesen will, was sie für sexuelle Gepflogenheiten haben oder wie gemeinschaftsfeindlich sie sich der unkorrekten Mülltrennung schuldig machen, der hat wenig Skrupel, was einen starken, schützenden Staat angeht.

Natürlich blieb diese “Provokation” auf Seiten des AK Vorrat in Person von Volker Birk nicht unbeantwortet.

Ich persönlich kann mich in letzter Zeit mit beiden Meinungen nicht wirklich identifizieren.

Auf der einen Seite ist es mehr als betrüblich, dass die Sicherheitsmaschinerie des Innenministeriums, quasi ohne ins Stocken zu geraten, weiterläuft. Sicher haben sich mittlerweile über 25.000 Personen der Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung angeschlossen und natürlich hoffe ich wie alle anderen Unterzeichner auf einen Erfolg.

Aber wie ist der zu definieren? Ganz an der Vorratsdatenspeicherung vorbei werden wir wohl nicht kommen – das ist nicht zu erwarten. Und selbst wenn die VDS in ihrer jetzigen Form irgendwie gestoppt wird, so schnell wie wir aus dem hiesigen Innenministerium mit neuen Maßnahmen (Online-Duchsuchung, ePass, ePerso, im weitergehenden Sinne auch elektronische Gesundheitskarte und eCall) befeuert werden, wird uns bald die Puste ausgehen. Der Grund ist einfach: Es gibt immer noch keinen breiten Widerstand durch alle Bevölkerungsschichten, wir sprechen von mehreren zehntausend aktivierten Menschen, benötigt werden jedoch Hunderttausende.

Werden die sich in Zeiten der Selbstentblößung im Web 2.0, wo Menschen sich und ihre Daten prostituieren, mehr von sich preis geben als Schäuble je von uns wissen werden will, wirklich finden? Ich weiß es nicht. Ich hoffe es, aber ich bin mir wirklich unsicher. Vielleicht ist der Wunsch, Geheimnisse für sich zu behalten, ein in 20 Jahren nicht mehr länger erstrebenswertes Ziel? Was wird mein jetzt anderthalb Jahre alter Sohn zu den Befürchtungen, Mahnungen und Ängsten seines “alten Herrn” dann entgegnen?

Auf der anderen Seite macht es bei dem aktuellen, politischen Tagesgeschehen (Islamisten mit Atombombe in greifbarer Nähe?) aber auch keinen Sinn, sich als “unverbesserlicher Datenschützer” aufzuführen; und es hat wahrscheinlich auch nie wirklich Sinn gemacht. Wie soll die Polizei möglicher neuer Angriffsarten Herr werden, wenn sie sich und ihre Techniken und Verfahren nicht ebenfalls weiterentwickelt? Natürlich will ich keine umfassende Überwachung, aber ich möchte auch nicht von einem fundamentalistischen Islamisten an der nächsten Kreuzung mitsamt meiner noch jungen Familie umgebracht werden. Klar, wie wahrscheinlich ist das, dass das passiert? Doch wie groß ist das Leid der Familien und das Gezeter, wenn es dann doch passiert…?

Es gilt, wie immer und überall im Leben, einen Kompromiss zu finden. Und ich bin da ganz ehrlich: Habe ich wirklich bessere Vorschläge und Ideen, die meine, die unsere Sicherheit garantieren? Nein, nicht wirklich.

Sicher, absolute Sicherheit gibt es nicht und Sicherheitsgarantien sind ohnehin Blödsinn. Rational denken hilft bei Terroristen aber ebenso wenig. Ein Denkanstoß zu dem fehlgeschlagenen Versuch des Westens, die “Radikalen doch noch irgendwie zu zivilisieren”, liefert bspw. ein Artikel auf Spiegel Online:

Während die europäischen Intellektuellen sich darüber die Köpfe zerbrechen, wie man den Islamismus bekämpfen könne, ohne die moderaten Moslems in die Arme der Extremisten zu treiben, bestimmen die Fundamentalisten den Gang und das Tempo der Auseinandersetzung. Ob es ein paar harmlose Mohammed-Karikaturen sind, die in einer dänischen Zeitung erschienen sind oder ein Teddybär, den eine im Sudan lebende Britin “Mohammed” genannt hat oder die Ernennung von Salman Rushdie zum Ritter – für die Fundamentalisten sind das alles Belege einer im Westen grassierenden Islamophobie.

Wenn sie dagegen Geiseln enthaupten, Ehebrecherinnen steinigen und Homosexuelle aufhängen, dann setzen sie nur ihren Glauben in die Tat um und verbitten sich jede Kritik, die sie natürlich auch als “islamophob” empfinden. Aller Rückständigkeit zum Trotz haben die Fundamentalisten eine Lektion gelernt: Schurkereien machen sich bezahlt, der Westen ist im Begriff, aus Angst vor dem Tode Selbstmord zu begehen.

Wie kann man denn aber nun Terrorismus wirklich den Nährboden entziehen und damit die ganze Sicherheitsmaschinerie überflüssig machen?

Ich denke, es ist Neid, Verzweiflung und Armut, die Menschen zu Selbstmordattentätern werden lässt, verbunden mit fehlender Bildung und Verblendung. Wir betreiben auf Kosten unserer eigenen Freiheit ein globales Wettrüsten, um unsere Sicherheit, unseren Wohlstand zu sichern. Aber wie viel tun wir gegen das vielgesichtige Leid der Menschen in den Regionen auf dieser Welt, in denen Terrorismus seine Brutstätten hat? Und wie hoch sind im Vergleich dazu die Militär- und Verteidigungsausgaben der westlichen Länder – wie hoch ist unser eigener Wohlstand?

Es ist gleichzeitig beängstigend, aber von einem äußeren Standpunkt auch interessant, zu erfahren, was die Zukunft für uns bereit hält.

Trotz alledem ein frohes neues Jahr 2008.

Zen Master of Programming

I started with computers pretty late, around 1997, at the age of 15. I was totally ignorant about them before back in the day. I had a pretty good typewriter with which I did all my homeworks and I was satisfied with it. On the other hand many of my classmates had a computer, but they mainly used theirs for gaming. Yeah, gaming… I thought “why on earth should I pay several thousands of Marks [the old currency in Germany] just to waste time and… play?!”. I thought, if I ever get a computer, I want to do something creative with it…

In the two upper years in grammar school I chosed Information Science as optional course. I was somehow interested in the topic, because the media more and more grabbed up the whole computer/internet topic and I just thought “a little knowledge in this area surely doesn’t hurt”. I knew that it would be quite useless to attend this course without having a computer at home, a place where I could actually try out what I’ve learned. So, shortly after I expressed my interest in attending this course, my father and I bought my first PC: a Pentium MMX with 200MHz, 32MB RAM, a Matrox Mystique 4MB graphics card, a 15 inch monitor and a 4GB hard disk. And it was expensive, I can’t remember the exact price, but damn, it was a lot of money.

The following years had their ups and downs. I learned a lot by playing around with the operating system (don’t tell me how often I had to re-install Windows 95/98 because I messed with the config and registry) and I took my first steps into the programming world: Turbo Pascal! This was the language they taught us in the information science course and it immediately became clear who was really interested in this course and who not: Those who just attended to browse the internet for free received bad grades and mostly couldn’t follow. But there were also a few people (amongst them my pal Stefan and I) who stepped into the topic and hacked like mad. He was into game programming (vga, 4bit color DOS games, anyone?) and I was, umm, more this kind of early application developer. As much as I appreciated his work, I was just too uncreative to do game development. Anyways, these times were fun, because we exchanged our knowledge and tried to outperform each other by using and implementing stuff the teacher hadn’t even told us.

In my last year in grammar school we switched away from Pascal to Prolog – and I hated it right from the start. My main appeal to do programmaing at all was to see something appear on the screen, see that some nice algorithm worked, but not to hack definitions into a command prompt and wait for the overly astonishing result “x is a cat” to return. I was probably too much of a greenhorn at that time, because from today’s perspective this language and the concepts sound pretty nice. Anyways, disappointed by Prolog I started MFC programming with C++ in Visual Studio 6 in my spare time (don’t ask me where I got this, you know, there have been these sources, …). One of my first projects has been a Paint application which even made it to a “PC Games” CD (yes, obviously even I played sometimes on computers…). These CDs contained (amongst demos from new and upcoming games) also a section where users could send in their small, self-developed programs. Usually some of them were nice (some even let you “wao”), but most of them just sucked. They were simple, dead boring text adventures mostly written in BASIC. So, I was quite impressed that my little program deserved real honor, they teasered it as “pretty solid paint application”, and not just as “another nice text adventure”. I was so proud!

Anyways, the rest is history. After school I decided to study information sciences, discovered the internet, learnt even more about computers, operating systems and programming languages, and started gaining my first working experiences. I mainly started with working because I wanted to learn more than my study could provide me. Programming is crafting, and you will never get all the tricks in university. A real hacker from which you can learn stuff is absolutely invaluable! So I was looking for some kind of mentor, a “grand master” which could tell me the missing bits, with whom I could hook up and gather indefinite knowledge.

I sadly never found such a person, wherever I worked. Either people asked me how to do things or I had to tell them how to do stuff. At most I had colleagues, “senior developers”, which knew what they did, but were not too fond to let me participate on their knowledge. Though, none of them was what I would call a “Zen Master of Programming”.

I have to say that I still feel bad – even today – that I never had such a person. My time is limited nowadays, by my daily job and my family, and I have neither the opportunity to study again nor am able to revive my hack sessions which sometimes kept me awake all night in the early days of my bachelor study. The work I do on free software projects like monotone or my own project guitone is therefor limited as well, and the distance between the other developers (from which a few of them certainly have “Zen Master” status) doesn’t make it easy to create a real relationship which I’d like to have. In an ideal world, I could just hook up with them, sit with them in front of a computer, staring at code and hack like mad!

In an ideal world…

Final BRM for Office Open XML

The BRM – the ballot resolution meeting – for Microsoft’s office “standard” DIS-29500 is set due on 25-29 February 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland. On this meeting all the different local standard bodies can discuss and resolve the 662 comments they’ve send in with their vote on September 2nd. A webpage has been created by some committed individuals to make this comments easily browsable here, because they apparently weren’t published properly to the public by Microsoft…

To ensure all the individual standard bodies actually step up and take their seat at the BRM in February, the NoOOXML campaign sent out a letter yesterday to all the people who signed the petition online. In this letter they motivate us all to call our respective standards body (for me here in Germany this is the DIN, the “Deutsches Institut für Normung”), ask who exactly will go to the BRM for the standards body (and when this is decided), ask if those delegates are independent enough from “the company” (Microsoft) to actual do their job (i.e. provide criticism and helpful resolutions), and, finally, ask if the body itself is at all working on change requests based on the comments (even their own ones). The gathered information then should be send to the local representatives – in my case berlin [at]

The results of these efforts can be viewed here:

So, whom do you want to contact today…TM?

Dr. Bill feeding OOXML to ISO

Text advertisements?

Yesterday I got an email from a guy who was apparently “Interested in Purchasing Text Advertisement” on this blog. The English he used was a bit half-baked and the sender address originated from GMail, but since it didn’t look as the usual spam I get almost daily, I decided to not ignore him. I wrote him back and asked why he’d be interested to advertise on a private blog like mine. This is what I got today:

Thank you for your reply and getting back to me. I am interested in placing paragraph somewhere middle or bottom of your internal pages of your website:

For which I shall pay you accordingly:

USD 20 each for your these internal blog pages where you can easily add small paragraph with links below the post:

[some of my recent blog URLs]

That will brings the total of : USD 80

An example of paragraph, how it looks and works, can be seen in the middle of page:

[another example]

Please Note: ( The above mentioned URLs are just examples, for your pages we will match content according to the website content.)

Here are the Terms:

  • My editor will write paragraph which match the content of your site.
  • You will have the right to edit text of paragraph/s after consultation.
  • The text links will go to non spammy and related websites.
  • The length of paragraph can be of 50 words to 150 at max
  • Number of links can be from 5 to 6.
  • You can place the paragraph at bottom or in the middle as you prefer
  • Paragraph/s will remain on the page throughout the life of page


However, since these links are on specific pages. I would be paying only one time fees and the paragraph/s will stay permanent i-e as long as the page stays.

So, yeah, his understanding of the term “text advertisement” was quite a bit different than mine. Of course I thought about something like GoogleAds which runs at a certain place on this site. I certainly thought not about externally edited pseudo content which I should include into my own content, maybe without even explicitely marking it as “advertisement”…

In a world where companies hire bloggers and let them write novels for their crappy products to get extra points in Google’s pagerank this whole thing actually does not surprise me very much. The thing is, the usual paid blogger has not much to loose if he accepts such a contract – after all it is not his point of view, his life, or even his beliefs he blogs about. But his contractors have a problem: Since people are no longer completly stupid out there, they tend to avoid these and similar blogs as “opinionated” – they don’t link to them anymore and the desired pagerank effect does not show up (linkage between low-rated sites will never result in a higher pagerank).

So the next (obvious) step for them seemed to be start targeting those sites and blogs which already have a somewhat positive pagerank through unique content and quality external links, but aren’t expensive to advertise on either. They give a few pennies to the unsuspecting site owner (hey, we all need money, don’t we?!), profit from his pagerank and destroy his reputation mid- to long-term at the same time. I’d be very, very stupid if I would do such a thing.

Let me tell you something: You will never see such a crap on this blog. Promised!

Offener Brief an den Einsatzleiter

Sehr geehrter Herr Knöfler-Apitzsch,

mein Name ist Thomas Keller. Eventuell erinnern Sie sich an mich – ich war am 6. November 2007 Leiter der Demonstration “Freiheit statt Angst – für die Grundrechte” in Leipzig, die am Augustusplatz startete.

Die Demo war ein voller Erfolg, unseren Schätzungen zufolge kamen weit über 1500 Menschen, um friedlich gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung und andere staatliche Überwachungsmaßnahmen zu demonstrieren.

Umso unverständlicher erscheint mir daher bis heute Ihr Verhalten in meiner Gegenwart vor der Demo. Die Art und Weise, wie Sie mir unmissverständlich klar machen wollten, dass die Demonstrationsauflagen in jedem Fall wörtlich vorzulesen seien (“falls das nicht klappt, können wir dass dann auch gerne nochmal machen”), war und erscheint mir bis heute in höchstem Maße unprofessionell.

Ich verstehe, dass die Polizei bei Demonstrationen vor allem gegen Rechts in Leipzig in der Vergangenheit durchaus Probleme bei dem reibungslosen Ablauf hatte (Stichwort: Randale). Bei unserer Demonstration ging es jedoch thematisch um etwas ganz anderes – und dies hatte ein entsprechend diverses Publikum und verschiedene politische Parteien und Organisationen (Junge Liberale, attac Leipzig, etc.) auf den Plan gerufen. Im Vorfeld anzunehmen, bei dieser Demo würde es wahrscheinlich genauso ablaufen wie bei den “anderen” Demos, zeugt von Ignoranz und Unkenntnis.
Schade auch, dass Sie bei dem Treffen am Freitag zuvor (2. November, 9 Uhr) im Ordnungsamt nicht selbst anwesend waren, sondern lediglich zwei Ihrer Kollegen. Hier hätten derartige Vorurteile sicher einfach abgebaut werden können.

Ich wünsche mir daher von Ihnen in der Zukunft, dass Sie im Vorfeld mit Veranstaltern ähnlicher Events eher das Gespräch suchen und Ihre Position und Aufgabe neben der puren Verkörperung der Staatsgewalt auch im Dienste für die jeweilige Aktion sehen. Andernfalls wird Ihnen leider nie der Respekt zuteil, den Sie sich in Ihrer Position wünschen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Thomas Keller.

Wrong public GPG key published

See, this is what happens if you almost never get any encrypted emails – you almost forget about it. The public key which is available from here pointed until today to a key file for which I’ve lost the private part quite some time ago. Somebody tried to send me an email message encrypted with this key and I was obviously unable to decrypt and read it. Sorry for the inconveniences here!

The one and only correct key with my current main email address has the key ID 160D1092, generated on 2003/03/13. If you like to send encrypted messages to me, please use only this key. There is still the other key uploaded on some public key servers (its ID is C16DFEFA) – please do not use this one! I won’t be able to read your message otherwise.

Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a way to revoke the public part of the missing key without either having the private key backup’d somewhere or at least having a pre-generated revoke certificate. Those key servers seem to be “ADD”-only…