The full story what has happened in Norway

Steve Pepper, the former chairman of the Norwegian mirror committee SC34, tells his version of the story which led to the YES vote on OOXML:

[…] at this point, the “rules” were changed. The VP asserted that “Ecma has clearly made steps in the right direction.” The most important thing now was to ensure that OOXML came under ISO’s control so that it could be “further improved”. However, the committee was not allowed to discuss this.

The VP thereupon declared that there was no consensus, so the decision would be taken by Standard Norway.

Halfway through the proceedings, a committee member had asked for (and received) assurance that the Chairman would take part in the final decision, as he had for the DIS vote back in August. It now transpired that the BRM participants had also been invited to stay behind. 23 people were therefore dismissed and we were down to seven. In addition to Standard Norway’s three, there were four “experts”: Microsoft Norway’s chief lobbyist, a guy from StatoilHydro (national oil company; big MS Office user), a K185 old-timer, and me. In one fell swoop the balance of forces had changed from 80/20 to 50/50 and the remaining experts discussed back and forth for 20 minutes or so without reaching any agreement.

The VP thereupon declared that there was still no consensus, so the decision would be taken by Standard Norway.

The experts were dismissed and the VP asked the opinion of the Secretary (who said “Yes”) and the JTC1 rep (who said “No”).

The VP thereupon declared that there was still no consensus, so the decision would be taken by him.

And his decision was to vote Yes.

(read the full story)

After leading the committee for over 13 years, Pepper recently stepped down from his position to protest against the this farce.

Unicode Character Tool

I’ve been looking for a Mac OS X equivalent of KDE’s kcharselect tonight and before I noticed that there is something similar already built in (the character map which is available from the internationalization menu), I stumbled upon UnicodeChecker:


And wow, this is a very fine application which goes even beyond the options the built-in solution provides. For me the following things were particularily useful:

  • Browse the whole Unicode range by character blocks, either sorted by codepoints or by definition
  • Built-in search for character names (Spotlight indexing possible) – say, you need a character / glyph to display a triangle, just search for “triangle” in Spotlight and it opens up in UnicodeChecker!
  • Bookmarks and History of recently shown characters / codepoints
  • Conversion from/to HTML / IDNA / Javascript / CSS UTF-8/16/32 encodings – very useful if you ever stumbled across problems like how to encode a unicode string for a javascript alert() box properly
  • Splitting up unicode sequences – “Why are my textbreaks broken? Oh – must have been this non-breaking unicode space…”
  • And last but not least: a very clean interface.

So while dealing with encodings is probably not the most sexiest thing on the planet, this application surely makes it fun to browse the Unicode range.

And if you still think you don’t need this application, just check out one of the other applications the authors, Steffen Kamp and Sven-S. Porst, have created – controlling iTunes by giving your Mac notebook a slap sounds interesting as well, doesn’t it?

OOXML is through

As it was already rumored, OOXML got its official approval by ISO today. (Does ISO stand for “I Sell Out” nowadays?)

Benjamin Henrion, initiator of the OOXML campaign, notes:

Committee stuffing is a standard practice for Microsoft. Microsoft raped ISO with their office file formats, leaving the organization in limbo. The whole campaign against the format have raised an army of people, which are furious about the dirty tactics used by Microsoft to get the broken standard through ISO. This anger won’t go away, and I wish good luck to Microsoft to get it adopted by governments. The reputation of Microsoft went down below zero with this process.


A bad day for open standards. But the war has just begun. Now that Microsoft has its ISO approval, you can bet that very aggressive lobbying in governments around the world will start, with the aim to introduce “an alternative” (read: successor) to the already widely accepted Open Document Format ODF.

OOXML seems to be through… [updated]

ISO Meeting


“Counting the countries, it is pretty certain that the votes are enough to get OOXML through this vote.” said Pieter Hintjens on the Noooxml-mailing list. A press release for tomorrow has been prepared:

Geneva, 1 April 2008. The International Organization for
Standardization announced at a press conference that its processes are
“broken” and “need radical reform”. ISO president Håkan Murby told
journalists that “the Microsoft OOXML process was a near-disaster and
we want to make sure such a thing never happens again.”


[Update: On the OpenDoc mailing list Michiel Leenaars posted the official results which should probably be published by ISO on April, 2nd:

P-Members voting: 24 in favour out of 32 = 75 % (requirement >= 66.66%)
(P-Members having abstained are not counted in this vote.)

Member bodies voting: 10 negative votes out of 71 = 14 % (requirement <= 25%)



In the meantime, Steve Pepper, the chairman of the Norwegian NB, formally protested against the “Yes”-vote of his country:

You will have been notified that Norway voted to approve OOXML in this ballot. This decision does not reflect the view of the vast majority of the Norwegian committee, 80% of which was against changing Norway’s vote from No with comments to Yes.

Because of this irregularity, a call has been made for an investigation by the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry with a view to changing the vote.


While a possible turn of this vote into “No” may have helped yesterday (while the Yes-votes where only 22/32, or 68,75%), it may not be enough after all today, since at least two more countries would have to protest to make a change. Not that there would not have been reported enough irregularities in other NBs, like for example in Germany, Romania, Poland and the list goes on.]

Shame on you, DIN! [updated]

Germany is voting “YES” on DIS 29500 at ISO. The relevant committee was given by DIN only the choice between “YES” and “ABSTAIN” on DIS 29500, since changing from “YES with comments” in September 2007 to “NO” in March 2008 was deemed impossible. Everyone could vote “yes”, “abstain” or “no” on the question whether Germany should vote “YES” or “ABSTAIN” on DIS 29500.

8 votes were in favour of “YES”, 6 were in favour of “ABSTAIN”, some pointing out that they would have preferred to vote an outright “NO”. 4 voted “abstain to the DIN vote”, i.e. on the vote between “YES” and “ABSTAIN” to ISO. 2 of the 4 had initially voted for a German “ABSTAIN”, but under pressure changed within 48 hours their vote from a German “ABSTAIN” to “abstain to the DIN vote”; one of the 4 was compelled by instruction to vote “abstain to the DIN vote”, even though he wanted to vote at least “ABSTAIN”. That means: without very strong pressure from Microsoft Germany would have voted “ABSTAIN”, with 9 to 8.


Its more than embarrassing how obviously Microsoft bullies in this whole process in every national standards subsidiary, without being stopped. Do we need more regulation at ISO, like excluding companies from voting which have financial entanglements to the company which places the so-called “standard”?

I think we do. It will be interesting to follow if ISO learns anything from this fiasco (read: disaster) or if we get more rushed-through pseudo standards on the fast lane. On Tuesday Saturday we’ll know – the day when its decided if OOXML gets its ISO approval.


The average American uses 11400 Watts of power continuously. This is the equivalent of burning 114 x100 Watt light bulbs, all the time. The average person globally uses 2255 Watts of power, or a little less than 23 x100 Watt light bulbs.

These sentences are taken out of the introduction from the website of the talk “Energy Literacy and climate change” by Saul Griffith, which took place at this year’s ETech in early March. Griffith, inventor, genius and general mastermind, continues, where Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” stops: on each of us personally. And it is not less inconvenient to know how big the energy consumption of our first-world-lives actually is.

What follows is a small example from his talk, where he explains the energy and power basics to all the Mac addicts out there:

Energy is measured in Joules (J)
Power is measued in Watts (W)
1 Watt = 1 Joule / second

Lifting an apple from the ground to a table: ~ 1 Joule

Lifting 40 apples from the ground to a table: ~ 40 Watt

Running your Apple laptop takes 40 Watt.


But I don’t like to condense this great work to just this one example. If you have a little spare time, take a look at Griffith’s work yourself – it will surely be an eye-opener for you if you have not understood or simply not cared about such things yet.

He licensed his materials under CC Attribution 3.0 US, so you can freely distribute and remix his work.

Google Summer of Code 2008 is up…

…and neither guitone nor monotone will be a part of it.

Google just put the list of mentoring organizations online and our direct competitors, namely git and Mercurial, of course got slots. On #gsoc on Freenode a Google employee told the crowd about a total of 505 applications this year, where only 20 or so have been spam, so it seemed to be a rather hard selection on Google’s side as well, because in the end only 175 organizations could be accepted, mainly for organizational reasons.

Now while I was almost sure that my application with guitone would not be accepted (this was kind of already written in the FAQ), it is surely a shame that we couldn’t bring up some ressources for a proper application for monotone.

Sure, no application is better than a half-baked application, which, in the end, may create bad karma and reputation for the project itself, but still, I’m feeling a bit depressed right now.

Maybe next year… in the meantime I hope people are at least willing to work on a successful European Monotone Summit

I never thought that this would be even possible…

No comment:

Editor’s note: This is an insider joke which you probably only get when you come from Germany. In short: The Deutsche Telekom is the former TelCo monopolist and still one of the major players on the market, and I’d probably have thought of Deutsche Telekom to be the very last company providing an open development portal for their services. Well, maybe I’m wrong and they are already the very last company…

Nine Inch Nails go Creative Commons

People who regularily visit probably already know it: Nine Inch Nails – one of my favourite bands – just released their new full-length album “Ghosts I-IV” with 36 tracks under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike license! You can download the album from their official site in various editions, amongst whose is also a completly free download version. The paid versions range from $5 for the download-only version (encoded in 320kbps mp3, lossless FLAC or some lossless Apple codec) including a PDF booklet to a $300 “Ultra-Deluxe Limited Edition Package” – everything 100% DRM-free. Now isn’t that cool?!

But it gets even better:

Now that we’re no longer constrained by a record label, we’ve decided to personally upload Ghosts I, the first of the four volumes, to various torrent sites, because we believe BitTorrent is a revolutionary digital distribution method, and we believe in finding ways to utilize new technologies instead of fighting them.

(Source: The Pirate Bay)

Trent uploaded the first part of the album on Pirate Bay himself! Now take your hat of to this great man and support him! I’ve just ordered the $10 CD version and am now in the process of downloading the album…

NIN Ghosts Cover

Geneva BRM is over [updated]

98.4% of the OOXML Proposed Dispositions were approved by a three to two majority at the BRM, validating OOXML

The OOXML Proposed Dispositions OOXML were overwhelmingly rejected by the delegations in attendance at the BRM, indicating the inability of OOXML to be adequately addressed within the “Fast Track” process


So, depending under what flag you’re sailing and which sources you’re about to trust, you’ll probably hear two different press releases in the next days: One which is telling you that OOXML was approved on the BRM because it got the majority of approval votes (while this source will probably not tell you that this vote was backed by only six delegations) and another source which will tell you that OOXML failed miserably at the Geneva BRM, because the majority of delegations disapproved, abstained or didn’t even voted on protest (a total of 26 delegations).

Now, apparently it became clear pretty quickly that the delegates couldn’t address all raised 1.100 comments in only five days, so the “solution” to this dilemma seemed to have been proposed on Wednesday: Only 20 20 – 30 (!) substantial dispositions were discussed and voted upon, another 200 ones which basically addressed spelling and grammar errors where fixed as well, and on a whopping amount of 900 comments was not worked at all, but voted today. Now that puts the “approval” under quite a different light, doesn’t it?

The above quoted article now draws a few possible conclusions from the “result”:

  1. As many have contended, the Fast Track process was a totally inappropriate process for Microsoft and Ecma to have adopted for OOXML
  2. OOXML has not been adequately addressed within that process to be entitled to final adoption
  3. It would be inappropriate for the ISO/IEC members to approve the adoption of OOXML in the thirty day voting period ahead

Whatever ISO decides after this corrupted standardization process took place and whatever the next actions of ECMA / Microsoft will be – personally I hope they get their fast-tracked, rushed “standard” throwed back at their head with a nice “do your homework again” message – it starts to manifest that every existing OOXML implementation to date is about to get dead meat within the next weeks.

Oh, and a last one, not really on-topic with respect to the BRM ending, but still worth a read if you’re interested in a comparison between SVG and Microsoft’s DrawingML used in OOXML…

[Update: Rob Weir blogs about his experiences during the BRM as part of the US delegation – very interesting read!]