Grundrechtsfest des AK-Vorrat im Johannapark

Der Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung Leipzig läd zum Grundrechtsfest am Samstag, dem 23. Mai 2009 im Johannapark in Leipzig ein. Gefeiert wird zwischen 10 und 16 Uhr der 60. Jahrestag des Grundgesetzes bei einem leckerem Picknick im Freien. Ganz nebenbei kann man sich bei dieser Gelegenheit über den aktuellen Stand unserer Grund-, Informations- und Freiheitsrechte informieren…

Auf Planungsseite der Aktion finden sich weitere Details, Unterstützung für einige Bereiche wird noch gesucht. Danke an Johannes, Stina, Christian und all die anderen, die das Fest organisieren!

Also dann, bis Samstag im Johannapark!

Development of guitone has been abandoned

For several, mostly personal, reasons the development of guitone has been abandoned. There are a couple of unfinished features and bugfixes waiting in the trunk which are now not released, but I’d rather want to make a major release than another minor one and there is way too much left to do for a single person with way too little time to really make a sound release.

Maybe I’ll pick it up again in a few months, but I can’t guarantee that. For now, my thanks go to all the users and packagers for their time and for the support!

ePetition: Keine Indizierung und Sperrung von Internetseiten

Jetzt die ePetition auf gegen die Internetzensur mitzeichnen!

Wir fordern, daß der Deutsche Bundestag die Änderung des Telemediengesetzes nach dem Gesetzentwurf des Bundeskabinetts vom 22.4.09 ablehnt. Wir halten das geplante Vorgehen, Internetseiten vom BKA indizieren & von den Providern sperren zu lassen, für undurchsichtig & unkontrollierbar, da die “Sperrlisten” weder einsehbar sind noch genau festgelegt ist, nach welchen Kriterien Webseiten auf die Liste gesetzt werden. Wir sehen darin eine Gefährdung des Grundrechtes auf Informationsfreiheit.

Das vornehmliche Ziel – Kinder zu schützen und sowohl ihren Mißbrauch, als auch die Verbreitung von Kinderpornografie, zu verhindern stellen wir dabei absolut nicht in Frage – im Gegenteil, es ist in unser aller Interesse. Dass die im Vorhaben vorgesehenen Maßnahmen dafür denkbar ungeeignet sind, wurde an vielen Stellen offengelegt und von Experten aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen mehrfach bestätigt. Eine Sperrung von Internetseiten hat so gut wie keinen nachweisbaren Einfluß auf die körperliche und seelische Unversehrtheit mißbrauchter Kinder.

Hintergrundartikel auf heise online.

Offener Brief für Netzneutralität

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

am 6. Mai 2009 steht das Telecom-Paket bei Ihnen zur Abstimmung, welches einige wenig erfreuliche, ja sogar gefährliche Erweiterungen beinhaltet, die nachhaltig die Netzneutralität im Internet gefährden!

Worum geht es? Das Internet ist heute so wichtig geworden wie das Stromnetz oder der Anschluss des öffentlichen Versorgers mit Wasser. Ungefilterte und nicht beschnittene Informationen sind die Grundlage für moderne Demokratien. Dass einzelnen Zugangsprovidern nun die Möglichkeit gegeben werden soll, den Zugang zum Netz zu beschneiden, um Geschäftsmodelle gegen den Willen des Gemeinwohls durchzudrücken, ist nicht hinnehmbar. Die Methodik ist insbesondere dann mehr als problematisch, wenn der Zugangsprovider aufgrund der lokalen Situation als einziger Zugangsprovider quasi das Monopol auf Informationen aus dem Internet hat.

Als Webentwickler bin ich von der Innovationskraft, die das Internet mir und anderen gibt, abhängig. Die Weiterentwicklung des Internets wird jedoch heutzutage von vielen Seiten torpediert (bspw. durch Trivialpatente auf “softwarebasierte Erfindungen”). Ein Angriff auf das freie Netz, so wie wir es bisher (noch) haben, könnte allerdings dieser Entwicklung den Todesstoß geben. Erinnern Sie sich noch an die “Insellösungen” von Internetprovidern (Compuserve, AOL, T-Online), von denen Mitte bis Ende der 90er Jahre die Mehrzahl der Nutzer davon ausgingen, das sei “das Internet” ? “Portale”, die eine eingeschränkte Sicht auf die verfügbaren Informationen darboten und gemäß dem jeweiligen Geschäftsmodell den Nutzer eher auf die gewinnbringenden Seiten verwiesen? Zum Glück ist das Geschichte!

Während ich damals als Informatiker immer noch relativ leicht auf eigenen Wegen vorankam, weil das Netz an sich frei und verfügbar war, wären technische Beschränkungen seitens der Zugangsprovider, die nun erlaubt würden, ein Dead-End selbst für mich als Techniker.

Deshalb, treten Sie für Netzneutralität ein und verweigern Sie Ihre Stimme dieser gefährlichen Gesetzesvorlage!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Ihr Thomas Keller.

Mehr Infos hier – werdet aktiv und schreibt Euren EU-Parlamentarier an!

15 billion chickens and counting

We all know how hard it is to communicate dry statistics to somebody and I guess its not me alone who has a hard time to grasp relations between big numbers (finance crisis anyone?) – but this nice little widget is just fantastic. It amazes me every time how much creativity people have and create wonderful, entertaining and in this case even educating things. Based on multiple officially available statistics the guys from created a world clock which shows the growth and decline rates of almost everything. Some of them are more accurate than others, while almost all of them display interpolated values, of course. Its still a big joy to watch these things and some numbers really get you thinking…

You need flash, otherwise you won’t get pimped by this.

Useful Gotcha #27

If you get this error ssl_error_rx_record_too_long when browsing an SSL-secured virtual host and wonder what the heck is going on (hey, it worked the day before), ensure that you’ve noticed that your admins have changed the IP address of the machine and that you have to adapt the IP-based VHost configuration accordingly… not that this SSL error wouldn’t have said that in first place!

Election day

Germany’s next election day lies still quite a bit in the future (sometime in September), but the discussion about “Politikverdrossenheit” (disenchanted with politics) has already started in the media. Today I was proven right (German,  automated translation) that my “Politikverdrossenheit” is actually not based on a lack of interest on these topics or a general misunderstanding, but more on a disillusionment of what is going on “up there” and what a single individuum can actually do in this country. Of course there is always something what can be done, after all I wouldn’t be active in the David vs Goliath challenge the Working Group against Data Retention faces, but still, big moves or radical political changes (for good, not for bad) just don’t seem to be possible here.

While I don’t envy the US americans for their past eight years of Bush and all the other problems they have, I’m certainly envious of them about their current president Obama. I wonder if somebody like Obama would even get as high in the political triangle in one of the countries of the “old world” – I’m sure that there are a lot of good, political driven people here as well which could do a similar good job, but I doubt they’d ever get the chance to “run for chancellor”…

Slow Death (update)

I visited my grandparents last sunday and it was a really awful experience. My grandfather, 86yrs old, is sickened with something between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and his condition degrades from day to day. If I remember him from my visit in late spring 2008, where he was, as usual, busy working in his rather big garden, completly normal, and compare that with his situation now, I’m getting more than sad.

The outbreak of the disease seem to have started sometime in Summer of 2008, after he was visiting my parents in Eisenach and his relatives in Zella-Mehlis (both located in Thuringia). It was kind of his “final tour” where he was looking for known people and locations one last time. One event seem to have troubled him very much back in the day, the day when he tried to find the grave of his mother in Zella-Mehlis, but couldn’t find it because it was removed long ago; something which nobody of his siblings told him about.

The following months from August to December were horror for my grandmother, which is also already in her seventies. She cared for him all day, cleaned him and his clothes, went with him to several doctors, and while he was sleepy most of the time, he got active overnight and prevented her sleep.

On January 23rd the situation got unbearable for her and they took my grandfather into a nursing home nearby the garden where both used to live. And this was also the place where I met him on Sunday: He sat in a wheelchair in the corridor, his head hung down to the right. His eyes looked glassy, I think he didn’t recognize me at all. No smile, no words, almost no reaction. My grandmother and me sat down on his side and talked, while he was drooling on his pullover. Some time later, after he regorged the last meal, we brought him to his room and I put him into his bed with the help of a male nurse. He fell off his bed just a few days ago and got hurt on his right arm and hip, so he seemed to have big aches with every move that we made. It was more than brutal to see this once proud and strong man in this situation.

I talked to my father the other day about this and he told me about his last visit in mid January. Back then he still had some “light” moments where one could talk to him. After my grandmother left the room, my father was alone with him for a short time. He reassured him that they’ll give him some treat which makes the disease sufferable, but he just responded “How long should all this still last…?”

I don’t wish anybody to die this way and I certainly don’t want to die this way. Time will tell us if researchers will finally find something which treats this disease (there seem to be field tests at least with some special protein blocker) or if I have to put a special paragraph for this and similar cases in my testament later on: “Kill me, I don’t want to live on!”

[Update] My grandfather died on early Tuesday morning, on February 10th, 2009, after he stopped eating for a couple of days already. I’m sad; at least I had the chance to see him one last time before his death. [/Update]

Enable more locales in stock Debian installations

If you wonder why

 $ php -r "setlocale(LC_TIME, 'de_DE.UTF-8'); echo strftime ('%A %e %B %Y', mktime (0, 0, 0, 12, 22, 1978));"

gives you Freitag 22 Dezember 1978 on most systems like f.e. openSuSE and Ubuntu, but Friday 22 December 1978 on Debian, you need to remember that the Debian guys outsmart everything and everybody with a shell script and a configuration file, just to keep your installation lean and clean.

In this particular example, edit /etc/locale.gen and add de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8 (or anything else listed in /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED), hit save and then execute

 $ sudo /usr/sbin/locale-gen

and voila, the above PHP call (and everything else which requests a German locale) works!