I’m proud to announce the immediate release of guitone 1.0rc5. This fifth release candidate requires monotone 0.99.1 or later. The plan is to release guitone 1.0 final together with monotone 1.0 final
by the end of this year.
Amongst some minor bug fixes, this release also features a new “server mode” with which remote monotone databases can be explored (requires compatible netsync servers with remote automation permissions).
The tarball and a Mac OS X disk image can be [downloaded already](http://guitone.thomaskeller.biz/g/download), a Windows binary should follow shortly.
As always, please [report bugs](http://code.monotone.ca/p/guitone/issues/) if possible. And I’m still looking for more translators – if you’re interested, [drop me a note](mailto:me@thomaskeller.biz).
Thanks for reading,
I’ve a request: please update the section “Obtaining the source” in README…
Right – done 🙂