monotone translators needed

So you can’t code C++, but still want to help out our little version control system? Fine, then maybe you’re fluent or even native with a foreign language – if so, our translation team could really need your help!

Right now monotone ships with five active translations, Swedish (maintained by Richard Levitte) , Italian (maintained by Lapo Luchini), Spanish (maintained by Nicolas Ruiz), Portuguese (maintained by Américo Monteiro) and German (maintained by myself, Thomas Keller). Especially the first three maintainers are currently a bit behind and short on time, so if you are capable to help out, just drop me a note or send a message to

We also have two more “inactive” translations, French and Japanese, lurking around in our source tree which you could pick up and complete, but its a bit more work to finish these.

Beside that you can also start with a completely new translation and I’d be happy to assist you with everything you need for that. Again, just drop me a note or send a message to the group, we’ll quickly set you up!