Final BRM for Office Open XML

The BRM – the ballot resolution meeting – for Microsoft’s office “standard” DIS-29500 is set due on 25-29 February 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland. On this meeting all the different local standard bodies can discuss and resolve the 662 comments they’ve send in with their vote on September 2nd. A webpage has been created by some committed individuals to make this comments easily browsable here, because they apparently weren’t published properly to the public by Microsoft…

To ensure all the individual standard bodies actually step up and take their seat at the BRM in February, the NoOOXML campaign sent out a letter yesterday to all the people who signed the petition online. In this letter they motivate us all to call our respective standards body (for me here in Germany this is the DIN, the “Deutsches Institut für Normung”), ask who exactly will go to the BRM for the standards body (and when this is decided), ask if those delegates are independent enough from “the company” (Microsoft) to actual do their job (i.e. provide criticism and helpful resolutions), and, finally, ask if the body itself is at all working on change requests based on the comments (even their own ones). The gathered information then should be send to the local representatives – in my case berlin [at]

The results of these efforts can be viewed here:

So, whom do you want to contact today…TM?

Dr. Bill feeding OOXML to ISO